Master in New Food Thinking 新食品思維碩士

An Experiential Approach to Creativity, Art, Relationships and Education

以創意為重點的前衛課程, 使用你所有的感官,以及通過實驗教學和學習方法和藝術實踐來研究食物及其系統。

  • 修業年分: 1年 (9個月上課+3個月實習或Research Project)
  • 授課語言: 英語
  • 開課時間: 每年10月,確切日期以學校公告為主
  • 美食尋訪之旅: 一年3次為期一周的美食尋訪之旅,給予美食科大所有學生們結合理念與知識的第一手經驗

Our interdisciplinary approach includes subjects such as:


  • Food Psychology食物心理學
  • Taste as Experience品味即體驗
  • Food Architecture食物架構
  • Food Publishing食品出版
  • Art Curation 藝術策展
  • Edible Gardening食用園藝
  • Smellscapes氣味景觀
  • Contemporary Gastronomy and Food Criticism當代美食和美食評論

Go Global with 3 Study Trips 一年3次的美食之旅

Meet Revolutionary Minds and Gastronomic Cultures




Humanities and Social Sciences 人文學科類

  • Food and History
  • Food and Cultural Ecology
  • Sociology of Coffee Tasting
  • Animal and More-than Human Geographies
  • Food Psychology

Philosophy and Education 哲學與教育

  • Enlivenment
  • Taste as Experiece
  • Eating, Parasitism and Personhood
  • Cooking Skills and Education

Arts and Design 藝術與設計

  • Food and Art History
  • Sightscapes
  • Food Architecture
  • Atelier of Arts and Crafts

Food and Drink Writing

  • Arts and Crafts 藝術與工藝
  • Foraging
  • Edible Gardening
  • Food Publishing
  • Performing Ecologies
  • Food Photography
  • Taste and Touch
  • Art Curation

Food And the Senses 食物與其感覺

  • Soundscapes
  • Smellscapes
  • Chocolate
  • Specialty Coffee
  • The Taste of Tea
  • The Taste of Raw Milk Cheese
  • Epistenology (Wine knowledge)
  • Making and Learning about Bread
  • The Taste of Honey
  • The Taste of Beer

Think tank 廣闊思想

  • Contemporary Gastronomy and Food Criticism
  • Food Marketing and Sustainability
  • Circular Ecology and Economy
  • Theory of Education
  • Slow Food Philosophy
  • Sustainability: Reality Matters
  • Social Economy and Power Relations
  • Socio-Economic Dimensions of Food

Employment opportunities 就業機會

The Master’s Degree in New Food Thinking prepares future food professionals to be key figures in food-related companies as creative innovators to develop new paradigms and projects.



  • Art World藝術世界
  • Creative Design 創意設計
  • Education 教育
  • Food Consultancy食品諮詢/顧問
  • Food Activism食品行動主義
  • R&D 研發
  • NGOs 非政府組織
  • Communication 溝通
  • Journalism 新聞
  • Food Services & Catering食品服務和餐飲
  • Management 管理
  • Product development 產品開發

Inside these sectors our graduates take advantage of their unique profiles and knowledge by working as i.e. food art curators, restaurant communication consultants, food and wine journalists and/or editors, PR consultants, brand managers/developers, gastronomic consultants, food artists, event designers, etc
